Limited Time Item:Amur Leopard
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:40 AM | 0 comments
You can find the promo icon on your Home page tab module..
Posted by Abdullah | at 11:42 PM | 0 comments
Info From MW blog
When Brazil was launched there were many new features that were introduced. One of the feature changes that you will find only in Brazil is in regards to the amount of Stamina that players is charged for Attacks and Power Attacks. With the release of Brazil, players now have different a stamina cost based upon their level within the game. Part of this update also includes an increase in the amount of the reward you can receive based upon your level within the game.
Q: How come some players are getting 5 times the amount of loot when they are fighting?
A: The loot drop is correlative to amount of Stamina points used for a fight. The Stamina amount needed to fight in Brazil is determined by the players level within the game.
Q: How are the drop rates calculated?
A: The amount of loot you might find is multiplied by the amount of Stamina points you use to attack. (It is importanat to note, that this is based only upon of the amount of Stamina used to attack, not the Power Attack feature.)
Q: When will I be able to increase the amount I earn from fighting?
A: The multiplier used to determine the amount of an item that you will receive from fighting is based upon your level. When you cross each threshold your multiplier will increase.
Q: Can the amount I earn be manually increased?
A: Unfortunatley, no. The amount of the drop rates is tied directly to your level within the game and this cannot be manually adjusted by our agents. In order obtain the higher drop rates you will need to increase your level within the game.
Q: I was fighting someone in Brazil, but I didn't receive the Brazil items.
A: If you are fighting someone in Brazil, and their character travels to another city, you will not receive items from Brazil. You can verify this by checking to see if the Brazil Real is listed: . In the image below, the player has traveled away from Brazil.
Q: Will I receive loot items every time that I fight?
A: No. This is a random drop and it is not guaranteed that you will find items each time that you fight.
Q: If I am at level 501, will I receive 5 items every time that they drop?
A: No. For each level you can obtain up to the maximum for that level, but you are not guaranteed to receive the maximum each time that you fight. Finding loot items is completely random, and you may or may not receive them when fighting.
Q: Where will i see the items when a drop occurs after I fight?
A: You will see thise items below the fight specs and they will be labeled as Bonus Loot!
Q: Where will I find the items that have dropped.
A: You can find these items on your loot page. You can also click the word 'Loot' on the drop notification and you will be taken to that page.
Posted by Abdullah | at 11:40 PM | 0 comments
Get your FREE attack point today! It's our way of saying thank you for being a loyal fan! Click here to play Mafia Wars and get your point:
Posted by Abdullah | at 2:03 AM | 0 comments
Zynga added 21 New Loots for us to Collect.They are from MarketPlace,Secret Stash,Limited Time Mission and Terminator vs Rambo Event
1.Cringe Rifle (Limited Time Mission)
2.PushBack (MarketPlace,25 Reward Point)
3.The Choppa (MarketPlace,25 Reward Point)
4.Good Luck (MarketPlace,25 Reward Point)
5.Confirmed Match
6.Puma (Secret Stash, ERROR duplicated from Brazil)
7.Croc Skin Jacket (Secret Stash,ERROR duplicated from Brazil)
8.Tarantula (Secret Stash)
9.Spider Monkey (Secret Stash)
10.Savannah Patroller (Secret Stash)
11.Heads Up (Secret Stash)
12.Final Word (Secret Stash)
13.Arachnid Cruiser (Secret Stash)
14.Web Climbing Rope (Secret Stash)
15.Ice Climbing Gear (Secret Stash)
16.Ice Climber (Secret Stash)
17.Blizzard Cannon (Secret Stash)
18.Jungle Strike (Terminator vs Rambo Event)
19.I'll Be Back (Terminator vs Rambo Event)
20.Rambo Head's Band (Terminator vs Rambo Event)
21.Get Down (Terminator vs Rambo Event)
Posted by Abdullah | at 2:00 AM | 0 comments
What happens when you pit two legendary actions heroes against each other? Well...only you can decide! You and your friends have the chance to select who kicks the best arsenal.
Source |
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:54 AM | 0 comments
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:09 AM | 0 comments
Info from The Official Mafia Wars Blog:
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:05 AM | 0 comments
The stamina point reward have not yet been posted on the Mafia Wars Fan Page Claim It Here
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:51 AM | 0 comments
Q: What happended to the Mini-Energy Packs?
A: Due to the feedback from our players, the Mini-Energy Packs have been replaced.
Q: What does the new Energy Pack do?
A: This Energy Pack increases your maximum energy to 125% of your current maximum.
Q: How Many Energy Packs can be used each day?
A: You can receive up to 3 Energy Packs each day.
Q: How long is the timer for the Energy Pack?
A: The Energy Pack has an 8 hour timer. After you use an Energy Pack, you must wait 8 hours until you can use your next one.
Q: What happened if I had not yet used all of my Mini Energy Packs today?
A: Your timer will automatically be reset for the new Energy Pack. If you have any concerns, one of our agents will be happy to assist you.
Q: Why was there such short notice about the change to the Energy Packs?
A: Due to the response we received from the Mini-Energy packs, we felt it best to make the change quickly so that our players could continue with their regular game play.
Q: The timer did not reset for my Energy Pack, what should I do?
A: We are in the process of correcting this for our players.
For more information on upcoming features and exciting game announcements please visit the official Mafia Wars Blog:
Posted by Abdullah | at 3:44 AM | 0 comments
Posted by Abdullah | at 2:03 AM | 0 comments
Have you claimed your Email Bonus today? If not, do claim it here! -
Claim Here
Posted by Abdullah | at 5:26 AM | 0 comments
Posted by Abdullah | at 1:10 AM | 0 comments
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