Zoloto Sports Car in Mafia Wars
Zoloto Sports Car in Mafia Wars
One Of The Best Vehicles in Mafia wars.
You will find "Ship Black-Market Caviar To London" job (both sides) in Episode 6 in Moscow.
Posted by Complete Mafia Wars Guide
7:57 AM
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pick vory or mafiya ?
Mafiya... :)
Pick mafia in episode 6. The Master - loot is better as in Vory ;-)
invalid item it says
your link once again says invalid item selected-meaning 3 links in a row---they suck
I found it in Vory so it must be available in both!
INVALID LINK; please post correct one, somebody please.
omg i cant copy it here
it is available in both...the trick is pick vory to get the konstantin cargo carrier..and dont master other tiers till u get 501,after that pick mafiya and get the zmeya carbon blade...u need them both cause the best defence vehicle and best defence weapon
i heard there was a way of flipping - but i don't remember how. in the meantime i am still finishing off el Padrino Principal and haven't started el cacique yet - so level 6 in Moscow is far away.
it's kinda cool
to circuitboyscott - do you have a choice in when u start looting? or does the loot come automatically as u move forward?
1) What makes MW fun to me is the social interaction. Whether it's from officers, clan friends, or working with other clans, it brings a dynamic to the game that is unique. Being able to add friends easily and open friends links in new tabs and having multiple conversations is what I enjoy. I'm killing in one screen and yakking in the next. If Zynga turns this into a simple job click or fight click only game, I'm done. This is the direction it is heading and it's horrible. Zynga will not only lose people like me, but what are they thinking when it comes to customers who pay? I can't imagine those folks will still invest anything for a simple click and leave it alone game.
2) Stamina - Any account created before the change should be compensated with skill points for stamina, or have their stamina increased.
3) Loot Drops - Moscow loot drops are so bad that people don't even want to play the Moscow edition. It's a balance with your energy. How much energy do I waste trying to get loot vs moving on to the next job. For me, I have stopped. The loot is so rare it's not fun.
4) Moscow in general - I thought this would be fun, but it was a total letdown. The boss jobs are locked. The ever changing value of the Ruble. I wasted 60 GF points getting Rubles and now I wish I had not. With the change I should be compensated for what I wasted in Rubles. Furthermore I can not get past Level 2 Mastery on Episode 2 because it will not update to Level 3. There is no fix!!! What is the point in filling out another help ticket????
5) Loot a/d values and names - Once the loot is posted, leave it alone! Do not change the values or names of the loot. This is not fair and just wrong.
6) Loot drops from fighting - The name of the game is Mafia Wars. It's not Mafia-ville, or Mafia-Farms, or Yo-Mafia. It's Wars!!!! That means fighting. So why not reward fighting with loot drops? It was fun. Now it sucks.
7) Declare war option - This is a great idea, but not implemented well. I think it can be fun, but why not allow war to be declared on non-friends too?
8) Mafia Sorting - I like the idea of top mafia, but trying to sort through the list is just stupid.
9) Gifting - Who in their right mind wants to click a bazillion buttons and scroll down every time to send 4 gifts? The gifting page is a great idea, but it needs to include multiple selections and amounts. Fix the gifting tool and Zynga could put special advertising on the gift tool to make even more money since more people would use it!
10) Newsfeeds - I do not like having additional items dependent on my newsfeeds. The FB filter option is only marginally adequate at best. I'm ok with Newsfeeds, but don't make loot drops from fighting dependent on them.
11) Fight Lists - What is the point of fighting if you can't ice/kill anybody because they are all dead. I go from NYC, to Cubs, to Moscow, and the lists are the same in each one. They are all dead. In effect, they broke the fighting part of a fighting game.
12) Account Types for Money - What is with having the old properties, then rackets, then properties with "collect takes". The new collect take is just stupid. The rackets were kinda cool, but they stopped them. Why? Bring back robbing! That was a fun part of the game. Again the took a fighting game and broke it.
13) Zynga should embrace the clans in the game. The clans help drive the action. They can even setup clan sites or clan cities to gather. Those not in clans can have their own sites. I think Zynga is missing the boat here
Thank you Henry Arifin for taking time to summarize a lot of the things that bother and irritate a lot of us. I particularly like paragraphs (1),(3),(7),(8),(9). With regards (3), loot drops have gotten really bad in other apps too, to the extent I'm considering not playing those. I wrote Zynga but got a generic non-response. With regards (7), unless I'm bogged down in semantics, why are we warring our own friends ? War should only be against non-friends. With regards both (8) and (9), AMEN ! Zynga should read and heed Henry's paragraph (1).
@Caribbeanpirate,thank you
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