Zynga has released official thread about Bangkok on their forum. It's a hidden thread so everbody who doesn't have the link can not see it. Check this out :
Posted by Complete Mafia Wars Guide
3:04 AM
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go for it i a ready too,.
i am eager to try it,.
so what´s the link?
whats the link?
thanks..i am ready too
still working on russia but will be ready sooner or later.
Soooooo....WHERE is the link??
I am ready too but I am stuck cause of that stupid bug that wont allow me to wipe out the moscow bosses, i completed and mastered all the episodes but still the bosses are safe behind that freaking grey lock, does anybody know the trick to get to them? thanks alan wautier.
lets give us the one who are finished or all most finished wiht moscow get first crack at bangkok not wait and lose time idling around doing nothing
everyone is waiting for along time now,it's been coming soon since 1 month!!!!!when are you going to release bangkok???????
I have been done with Moscow for months....getting bored....hope it opens soon!!!!
bang my cock will be AFU just lie the rest of MW/
Glad to read infos am stuck with 1% jobs and am back to zero in moscow jobs whereas I already completed till the 3rd episode before the dec glitches!!! gawd...its kinda boring now...that i need to spend countless energies to do the jobs again...
about wiping out those bosses - i couldn't wipe out the boss on baklany either as it was locked, HOWEVER, i DID receive my rank AND the special bonus as though i had wipedd him out. i don't understand it - but that's what happpened. i don't think it willl hold u back.
Lets go
ready when you are, fed up of twiddleing my thumbs waiting
I'm so pissed. I could of had the chance to do the Bangkok beta. I did not realize this was a beta test. I thought it had finally opened. Everything on my screen was different. It was late and my kid was like hurry up mom, I want to use the computer, and I had babysit my grandbaby all day so I thought, I'll try it in the morning. I got up and it had disappeared. What a flipping disappointment, when I found out they were only allowing 50,000 to try it and I could have been one of them. UGH. I had it right there, all I had to do was click on it. Pissed me off royally!!! I won't let that happen again.
This link will take you to the links for unlocking the boss fights and posting jobs that didn't post. http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=255012751233&id=100000052775437&ref=mf
About time we all had a chance at Bangkok,HURRY UP
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